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Chemical Facility Security

Course Library

A complete library for all of your chemical facility security training needs.

The Chemical Facility Security library provides 18 comprehensive courses that enable security personnel to effectively protect their workplaces. OSI’s Chemical Facility Security library’s strength lies in its far-reaching scope. Learners are guided through course topics that range from the basics of chemical facility security to terrorist methodology and beyond – essentials all security teams need.
With our course library, your security team will become better acquainted with key components and integral
players in facility security, such as: security vulnerability assessments, training recommendations, value chain partners, buffer zone protection programs, emergency preparedness drills and exercises, cyber threats, and much more.

Chemical Facility Security Course Descriptions

950 CFS: Security Awareness

Security Awareness addresses common dangerous weapons, substances, and suspicious behaviors, as well as ways they can be identified; security concerns for hazardous materials; basic facility security requirements, including supply chain and information system; and recognizing and reporting potential security problems. (45 min.)

951 CFS: Threats to Petrochemical Facilities

Threats to Petrochemical Facilities addresses major security threats to a petrochemical facility; units as potential targets; potential terrorist exploitation of chemical products and intermediates; economic disruption as a consequence of an attack; and chemicals of potential interest. (25 min.)

952 CFS: Security Vulnerability Assessment

Security Vulnerability Assessment addresses the purpose of a Security Vulnerability Assessment (SVA); the SVA process; SVA project definition and team selection; SVA planning; site surveys; analysis and recommendation; SVA reports; and resources. (65 min.)

953 CFS: Training Recommendations

Training Recommendations explores why all employees need security training; the planning process for security training; recommended course content; and the inclusion of value chain partners when planning security training. (30 min.)

954 CFS: Security Equipment

Security Equipment addresses performance characteristics of an effective physical protection system; parameters of a physical security system and their components; common types of security equipment; protecting priority areas; and the Buffer Zone Protection Program for chemical facilities. (90 min.)

955 CFS: Testing, Calibration, and Maintenance of Security Equipment

Testing, Calibration, and Maintenance of Security Equipment addresses preventive maintenance of security equipment; developing and implementing a preventive maintenance program; how records are used in a preventive maintenance program; and root cause failure analysis. (60 min.)

956 CFS: Facility Security Plan

Facility Security Plan examines the key elements of a security plan; third-party verification; the planning process for developing and implementing an effective security plan; changing a security plan; and security plan evaluation. (45 min.)

957 CFS: Emergency Response

Emergency Response addresses the elements of an emergency plan; minimizing interruption of operations during and after an emergency; and responses to bomb threats and releases of chemical, biological, or radioactive agents. (55 min.)

958 CFS: Emergency Preparedness Drills and Exercises

Emergency Preparedness Drills and Exercises examines the purpose of, requirements for, and differences between drills and exercises; elements of drills and exercises; and post-drill/exercise performance assessment and debriefing. (65 min.)

959 CFS: Information and Cyber Vulnerabilities

Information and Cyber Vulnerabilities addresses sensitive security information (SSI) and how to protect it; common technology and cybersecurity threats; protecting cyber information systems; petrochemical industry cybersecurity initiatives; and protecting distributed control system components. (55 min.)

960 CFS: Training Techniques

Training Techniques addresses ways adults learn; workforce demographics; trainees with special needs; meeting facility needs; training delivery and evaluation; and training preparation. (45 min.)

961 CFS: Weapons and Dangerous Substances

Weapons and Dangerous Substances addresses the common types of weapons, including firearms, knives, explosives, chemical agents, and others. It also discusses methods for detecting weapons and dangerous substances. (70 min.)

962 CFS: Physical Searches and Screening Methods

Physical Searches and Screening Methods addresses who is authorized to do a search and when it should be done. Also addressed are types of non intrusive searches and special considerations when conducting a physical search. (85 min.)

963 CFS: Site Search Methods

Site Search Methods examines planning a site search; conducting a site search using search sectors and check cards; recognizing when to initiate a search; conducting interior and exterior searches; recognizing hiding places; and handling evidence. (60 min.)

964 CFS: Recognizing Persons Posing Risks

Recognizing Persons Posing Risks addresses security risk observation techniques; general characteristics and behavioral patterns of persons who are likely to threaten security; and appropriate ways to respond to a person who may pose a security risk. (40 min.)

965 CFS: Circumventing Security Measures

Circumventing Security Measures explores methods used by criminals and terrorists to circumvent security measures; signs of terrorist activities; and techniques to thwart terrorist activities. (55 min.)

966 CFS: Crowd Management

Crowd Management explores basic crowd psychology; crowd management during a crisis; physical management of a crowd; event planning; and effective crowd control. (70 min.)

967 CFS: Hazardous Materials Awareness

Hazard Materials Awareness addresses many hazardous material concerns to satisfy the needs of facility security. Regulations that govern hazardous materials, including those administered by DOT and OSHA, are discussed. Various methods for recognizing hazardous materials are demonstrated, and the learner is shown proper labeling methods and safety data sheets. The course also covers incident control and response to terrorism and exposure. (75 min.)

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